Sabre Start.jpg

Click a past date (blue) to see the results for that date



Sailors need to be aware of the following requirements from Sections 9 and 10 of our Notice of Race for all our Series.

  • Sailors need to have participated in at least 50% of races in a Series to Qualify for a Trophy.

  • Points counted are from 70% (rounded up) of your best scores : [ie. 30% (rounded down) of your worst scores are discarded].

  • The number of Prizes awarded is determined by the number of Qualifiers in each Series.

  • Sailors receiving a Series Prize for a Yardstick Result are ineligible for a Handicap Prize in the same Series - these prizes are passed down the order!


Division Three of the Club Championship required some manual scoring - the final result is shown below.



  • SumLC - Summer Long Course

  • SumSC - Summer Short Course

  • Corrected times for fleets starting with ‘H’ will be based on a Personal Handicap rating which may change from race to race

  • Corrected times for all other fleets will be calculated on a national accepted correction factor based on the class of boat being sailed