For 14 years after its establishment, the Maroochy Sailing Club was headed by a President elected by members annually.
During this period, the Board also lists Commodores - who had the responsibility of managing the sailing activities of the Club.
In 1974 the President position was re-named as Commodore - while sailing activities were now managed by the new Rear-Commodore - not listed
Life Members have had their contribution to the Club over many years recognized by fellow members.
Season Commodore - Sailing
1959 - 60 Graeme FRESSER Ray CASSIDY
1960 - 61 Ron HARDESS Ray CASSIDY
1961 - 62 Ray CASSIDY & Fergus SCOTT Ray CASSIDY & Ian REID
1962 - 63 Fergus SCOTT Ian REID
1963 - 64 Fergus SCOTT Ian REID
1964 - 65 Fergus SCOTT Ian REID
1965 - 66 Fergus SCOTT Alan RAINE
1966 - 67 Fergus SCOTT Charles SMITH
1967 - 68 Col HUDSPITH Charles SMITH
1968 - 69 Col MICHAEL Charles SMITH
1969 - 70 Col MICHAEL Charles SMITH
1970 - 71 Col HUDSPITH Charles SMITH
1971 - 72 Col MICHAEL Charles SMITH
1972 - 73 Col MICHAEL Charles SMITH
1972 - 73 Charles SMITH Fred DOWNES
1973 - 74 Charles SMITH Fred DOWNES
LifE Members 1999 : Charles Smith, Noel Etherton, Shirley McDonald, Fred Downes, Keith Campbell
Appointed Final Voyage
1970 - 71 Fergus SCOTT + 1972
1970 - 71 Charles SMITH + 2003
1973 - 74 Sid ELLIOTT + 1995
1975 - 76 Col HUDSPITH + 1990
1980 - 81 Fred DOWNES + 2019
1983 - 84 Noel ETHERTON + 2013
1986 - 87 Shirley McDONALD
1999 - 00 Keith CAMPBELL
2004 - 05 Peter BRODIE
2007 - 08 John HENRY
2018 - 19 Gard SAUNDERS
2018 - 19 David THOMSON
COMMODORES (1974 - )
1974 - 75 Charles SMITH
1975 - 76 Fred DOWNES
1976 - 77 Max DUNN
1977 - 78 Max DUNN
1978 - 79 Max DUNN
1979 - 80 Max DUNN
1980 - 81 John ETHERTON
1981 - 82 John ETHERTON
1982 - 83 John ETHERTON
1983 - 84 Estelle HODGINS
1984 - 85 Michael BOURKE
1985 - 86 Michael BOURKE
1986 - 87 Ross STOWER
1987 - 88 Peter BRODIE
1988 - 89 Peter BRODIE
1989 - 90 Peter BRADFORD
1990 - 91 Ken EDDY
1991 - 92 Ken EDDY
1992 - 93 Ken EDDY
1993 - 94 Hugh CAMERON
1994 - 95 Hugh CAMERON
1995 - 96 Paul DINNISS
1996 - 97 Paul DINNISS
1997 - 98 Paul DINNISS
1998 - 99 Paul DINNISS
1999 - 00 Keith CAMPBELL
2000 - 01 Keith CAMPBELL
2001 - 02 Wayne ASHWORTH
2002 - 03 Wayne ASHWORTH
2003 - 04 John HENRY
2004 - 05 John HENRY
2005 - 06 David THOMSON
2006 - 07 David THOMSON
2007 - 08 David THOMSON
2009 - 10 John PEARCE
2010 - 11 John PEARCE
2011 - 12 Gard SAUNDERS
2012 - 13 Gard SAUNDERS
2013 - 14 Gard SAUNDERS
2014 - 15 Gard SAUNDERS
2015 - 16 Graeme HATTRICK
2016 - 17 Graeme HATTRICK
2017 - 18 Craig STANGER
2018 - 19 Craig STANGER
2019 - 20 Craig STANGER
2020 - 21 Craig STANGER
2021 - 22 Tim EDWARDS
2022 - 23 Tim EDWARDS
2023 - 24 Norm RICHARDS
2023 - 25 Norm RICHARDS
Unveiling the Honour Board, 1989 : Commodores pAST & pRESENT - MAX dUNN, fRED dOWNES, eSTELLE hODGINS, cHARLES sMITH, mIKE bOURKE, pETER bRODIE
At the 2019 Club’s Sixieth Anniversary Pirate Party, Past Commodores Peter Brodie, Peter Bradford, Craig STanger, Keith CAmpBell and John HENRY were joined by past Member, DereK Foster (Blue-White Striped Shirt)