For 14 years after its establishment, the Maroochy Sailing Club was headed by a President elected by members annually.
During this period, the Board also lists Commodores - who had the responsibility of managing the sailing activities of the Club.
In 1974 the President position was re-named as Commodore - while sailing activities were now managed by the new Rear-Commodore - not listed
Life Members have had their contribution to the Club over many years recognized by fellow members.
Season Commodore - Sailing
1959 - 60 Graeme FRESSER Ray CASSIDY
1960 - 61 Ron HARDESS Ray CASSIDY
1961 - 62 Ray CASSIDY & Fergus SCOTT Ray CASSIDY & Ian REID
1962 - 63 Fergus SCOTT Ian REID
1963 - 64 Fergus SCOTT Ian REID
1964 - 65 Fergus SCOTT Ian REID
1965 - 66 Fergus SCOTT Alan RAINE
1966 - 67 Fergus SCOTT Charles SMITH
1967 - 68 Col HUDSPITH Charles SMITH
1968 - 69 Col MICHAEL Charles SMITH
1969 - 70 Col MICHAEL Charles SMITH
1970 - 71 Col HUDSPITH Charles SMITH
1971 - 72 Col MICHAEL Charles SMITH
1972 - 73 Col MICHAEL Charles SMITH
1972 - 73 Charles SMITH Fred DOWNES
1973 - 74 Charles SMITH Fred DOWNES
Appointed Final Voyage
1970 - 71 Fergus SCOTT + 1972
1970 - 71 Charles SMITH + 2003
1973 - 74 Sid ELLIOTT + 1995
1975 - 76 Col HUDSPITH + 1990
1980 - 81 Fred DOWNES + 2019
1983 - 84 Noel ETHERTON + 2013
1986 - 87 Shirley McDONALD
1999 - 00 Keith CAMPBELL
2004 - 05 Peter BRODIE
2007 - 08 John HENRY
2018 - 19 Gard SAUNDERS
2018 - 19 David THOMSON
COMMODORES (1974 - )
1974 - 75 Charles SMITH
1975 - 76 Fred DOWNES
1976 - 77 Max DUNN
1977 - 78 Max DUNN
1978 - 79 Max DUNN
1979 - 80 Max DUNN
1980 - 81 John ETHERTON
1981 - 82 John ETHERTON
1982 - 83 John ETHERTON
1983 - 84 Estelle HODGINS
1984 - 85 Michael BOURKE
1985 - 86 Michael BOURKE
1986 - 87 Ross STOWER
1987 - 88 Peter BRODIE
1988 - 89 Peter BRODIE
1989 - 90 Peter BRADFORD
1990 - 91 Ken EDDY
1991 - 92 Ken EDDY
1992 - 93 Ken EDDY
1993 - 94 Hugh CAMERON
1994 - 95 Hugh CAMERON
1995 - 96 Paul DINNISS
1996 - 97 Paul DINNISS
1997 - 98 Paul DINNISS
1998 - 99 Paul DINNISS
1999 - 00 Keith CAMPBELL
2000 - 01 Keith CAMPBELL
2001 - 02 Wayne ASHWORTH
2002 - 03 Wayne ASHWORTH
2003 - 04 John HENRY
2004 - 05 John HENRY
2005 - 06 David THOMSON
2006 - 07 David THOMSON
2007 - 08 David THOMSON
2009 - 10 John PEARCE
2010 - 11 John PEARCE
2011 - 12 Gard SAUNDERS
2012 - 13 Gard SAUNDERS
2013 - 14 Gard SAUNDERS
2014 - 15 Gard SAUNDERS
2015 - 16 Graeme HATTRICK
2016 - 17 Graeme HATTRICK
2017 - 18 Craig STANGER
2018 - 19 Craig STANGER
2019 - 20 Craig STANGER
2020 - 21 Craig STANGER
2021 - 22 Tim EDWARDS
2022 - 23 Tim EDWARDS
2023 - 24 Norm RICHARDS
2023 - 25 Norm RICHARDS